Pillsbury company was established in 1871 as C. A Pillsbury & Co. John Sergeant Pillsbury came to Minnesota from New Hampshire in 1855 and from background of hardware, lumber and land went into milling.
Charles Alfred Pillsbury and his father joined in 1869 to operate milling plant and Charles used his share of the profits to start Pillsbury A Mill.
Charles organized the company that completed in 1883, the largest four mill in the world. He expanding the business by obtaining favorable freight rates and building his own grain elevators throughout the Northwest.
In 1889, a British syndicate purchased the Pillsbury mills and also of William D Washburn.
A new form Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills was organized in London, had become British owned.
In 1908, Pillsbury Four Mills Company had taken over the operations, while the British parent, Pillsbury Washburn Flour Mills ltd, had been transformed into financial.
Until 1923 the Pillsbury Washburn Flour Mills Company, finally sell out entirely to American.
In the 1960s, the Pillsbury Company was asked to develop the first space food as well as to design a system for controlling the safety of space foods.
Pillsbury became, a successful manufacturer of food products, with subsidiaries including Burger King, Haagen Dazs and Green Giant.
In 1983, Pillsbury, also in possession of Burger King fast food restaurants, bought Haagen Dazs, maker of premiums ice cream. Two years later, the company came our with Pop Secret microwave popcorn, which eventually outpaced Orville Redenbacher and other competitors.
Pillsbury was acquired by Grand Metropolitan PLC in 1989.
The History of Pillsbury
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