Baskin -Robbins

Burton Baskin and Irvine Robbins, brothers-in-law who served in the military during World War II, were in the vanguard of the campaign to reinvent America’s favorite treat.

After being discharged from the armed forces, both decided to settle in California. In 1945 Irvine Robbins opened the Snowbird Cream Store in Glendale, while Baskin, opened and ice cream parlor called Burton’s in LA.

They soon owned six stores between them and began to sell franchises, reaching a total of 40 by 1949. Both Baskin and Robbins felt that on-site managers with a financial stake in the company would maintain the quality better.

The two formed a partnership in 1953 to create Baskin-Robbins in Pasadena, California., which sold premium ice cream.

By the mid 60s the company had more than four hundreds stores nationally. In 1953 the company advertised that its stores served thirty one flavors of ice cream.
Baskin -Robins

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