The Macintosh computer is built on three cornerstone ideas: second-generation Lisa technology, reliability and low cost through simplicity, and maximum synergy between hardware and software.
Development of the Lisa started in 1978, with the Macintosh following one year later. In 1979 the Macintosh personal computer existed only as the pet idea of Jef Raskin, a veteran of the Apple II team, who had proposed that Apple Computer Inc. make a low-cost "appliance"-type computer that would be as easy to use as a toaster.
The Macintosh computer was released to the public on January 22, 1984. Essentially a slimmed down version of the Lisa workstation with many of its software features, the Macintosh sold for $2495 at its introduction in early 1984; the Lisa initially sold for $10,000.
In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh PC with the Macintosh Operating System. Apple names its OS as “Mac OS”, in 1997 which was previously known as “System”.Apple released several minor versions of their Mac system after Jobs’ departure, with the exception of one event: in 1985, Apple once again became an innovator when it introduced desktop publishing.
The Apple Macintosh was the first widely successful personal computer offering an integrated standard graphical user interface (GUI).
Macintosh-specific packages such as MacPublisher and Aldus PageMaker, along with the addition of the first LaserWriter (a laser printer) cemented Apple’s reputation as the desktop publishing giant.
Hundred of independent developers are writing programs for Macintosh. Company includes such familiar names s Lotus, Microsoft, Software Publishing, Stoneware and Dow Jones.
One year later, Apple released the Macintosh Plus to address the limitations of original Mac. The Macintosh quickly became a popular platform for creative users, as well as for education, research and business applications.
Macintosh computer by Apple Inc.
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