Perkins Products Company of Hasting

Edwin Elijah Perkins (1889-1961) and his wife Kathryn ‘Kitty’ shoemaker moved to the Hastings from Hendley in 1920 to expand the Perkins Products Company.

The firm manufactured and sold more than 125 household products through direct sales

In 1920 Perkins marketed his first soft drinks concentrate, Fruit Smack, a syrup that consumers mixed with water and sugar to produce a sweet beverage.

In April 1922, the Perkins Products Company opened for business at 508 West First Street.

In 1927 the first Kool-Aid packets sold through the mail for ten cents apiece. Kool-Aid, the powdered drink mix known to generations of children was invented by Perkins.

As the sales of Kool-Aid increased, Perkins phased out his other products and concentrated on marketing Kool-Aid. Rather than just sell it by mail, the company began an aggressive campaign to sell Kool-Aid though grocery strobes. By 1929, Kool-Aid was sold through the United States.

The company moved to Chicago in 1931 and in 1953 Perkins sold his company to General Foods Corporation, which added root beer and lemon flavors.
Perkins Products Company of Hasting

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